Testimonials & Press
Pelham Art Center (2012)
Four sets of kids talk about the fun they had making art from recycled material!
Local Birmingham, AL, news outlet covers a Glowtown workshop at the Birmingham Museum of Art, 2008.
April 2011, The Weekly Sun, Ketchum, Idaho:
“I think it’s awesome that you can make stuff out of anything. I’m so glad I came. This is the first time I’ve ever built stuff out of junk. It’s really fun!”
~ David Rau, 9 year old elementary student“This is a fantastic opportunity. They’re learning how to work together and they’re learning about possibilities.”
~ Mary Rau, mother of 9 year old participant“This teaches the children to use the resources at hand and it teaches teamwork.”
~ Julie Ward, community leader who helped organize the workshop.
March 2010, Pratt Tribune, El Dorado, Kansas:
“From May 17 through May 22, 2010, New York Artist Sharon Louden will be conducting her nationally recognized workshop Glow Town for over 175 children and public school teachers from Greensburg, and surrounding areas through the 5.4.7 Arts Center in Greensburg.”
May 2010, Dodge Globe, Greensburg, Kansas:
“Students in Greensburg completed a weeklong project [organized by the 5.4.7. Arts Center] under the supervision of nationally known artist, Sharon Louden. Louden has worked with education departments of museums all over the country to guide the creation of fantasy towns made of simple materials and painted with fluorescent paint to transform into a completely different visual experience when seen in the dark.”
November 2008, Assistant Curator of Education at the Birmingham Museum of Art in Birmingham, Alabama:
"Glow Town with Sharon Louden is absolutely the most exciting workshop for adults and families that I have ever participated in! Sharon's energy is contagious and it is fascinating to watch strangers emerge as teams as they work together to create their own glowing towns. Glow Town is a fun learning experience on so many levels- it promotes teamwork, it teaches people how to use the resources they have on hand, and the glow in the dark paint adds another dimension to this ultra-cool and ultra-fun workshop. Sharon makes each and every participant feel as though they have the power to create whatever they want and she is there cheering them on. I would recommend this workshop to anyone. It is something you will regret not participating in if you have the opportunity!"